The Power of Clear Communication, And Why it Matters

The Power of Clear Communication, And Why it Matters



Communication is crucial, whether you’re having an argument with your family or working on a project with a team. Why is it so important to have good communication? Ineffective communication leads to misunderstandings, disagreements, and increased stress. That’s hard enough at home, but when you’re trying to build a new development or launch a new product, there are even more negative consequences. At worst, your project could fail, wasting time, money, and effort.

Improving your communication skills is a lifelong process. There’s always more to learn, and you’ll reap the benefits all the time. Project managers, especially, should expect to spend about 90 percent of their time communicating with other people.



Here are some ways to practice having good communication, so you can get the results you need:

  • Actively Listen: Active listening is a technique where you listen to what a person is saying, digest it and say it back to them to make sure you understand. For example, if a client says, “We’d like to build a 400-apartment complex downtown,” you might specify or confirm what they mean by “downtown” and even “apartment complex.” You might say, “I heard you say you’d like it to be downtown. By downtown, do you mean the areas bordered by 10th Street, 21st Street, Market, and Broadway?” Active listening helps prevent misunderstandings before they can fester, and makes the other person feel heard and understood.
  • Learn how to relay information accurately: Information often has to travel around to multiple groups, which increases the possibility of miscommunication. A good way to accurately relay information is to put it in writing and make sure everyone gets the same communication, whether that’s an email or a meeting presentation.
  • Bridge Understanding Gaps: Depending on your industry, you probably use a lot of specific jargon. Laypeople might think they know what you mean, only to find out that they completely misunderstood. It’s your job to bridge those gaps. Try defining terms as you use them, and frequently ask others if they have any questions.
  • Problem-Solve with Your Team: Every project will inevitably run into issues. Problem-solving is another part of communication. Practice good communication by asking team members to put the problem into their own words. You’ll have a good idea of who is grasping the issue, and may even find new ways to look at the issue.
  • Embrace Meetings: Finally, it’s time to embrace meetings. Electronic communication can make it easier to quickly share information, but there’s a big difference between talking at someone versus talking to someone. It’s easier to tell if the message is getting through when you can meet in person. Meetings allow you to observe body language and overall engagement.

Now that you know why it’s important to have good communication, you can practice these tips in your own daily life. Improving communication will save time and frustration, and help you get the results you want.

At Emotive Architecture, we believe great communication is the key to a successful outcome. Call us today to learn more about our design firm services.